CHASE COXXX, Gay porn's most famously unknown star on the rise.

Steve King, You Make My Heart Sing.

This is what happens when you allow racial insensitivity to go unchecked. Allowing folks like Rush Limbaugh to spew hate on the federally regulated airwaves has emboldened many republican members of congress. The most recent example is below… and please don’t give me that free speech argument. There is nothing in the constitution that protects or sanctions racist propaganda on federally regulated airwaves. There are many many many things you cannot say or do on the regulated airwaves and racist rhetoric should be added to that list. Playing a song called ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ is ten time more worse than a dj dropping a f-bomb live on air.

And now I give you the latest bunch of racist ramblings from republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa:

Click here to Stephan Colbert’s take on Rep. Steve King of Iowa’s dumb ass remarks.

-Chase Coxxx

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Lotta Roti

    What a sleazebag!

    Dec 07, 2010 @ 1:40 AM

  2. Tweets that mention Steve King, You Make My Heart Sing. – THE JUICY GIGOLO FILES --

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Chase Coxxx, Chase Coxxx. Chase Coxxx said: My latest blog post – Steve King, You Make My Heart SIng: [...]

    Dec 07, 2010 @ 3:42 PM
